i am off to mexico in the morning(yeah!!). I know that I am going to have a great time but I will miss my boys!!
Why am I making all these new posts when I have so much to do to get ready for vacation?
I love my cousin!
Melissa and Kory spent a couple of nights in Stillwater at a bed and breakfast, so Norah got to spend Saturday night at Grandpa and Grandma Driver's house then come over to our house Sunday afternoon, spend the night, then play all day Monday with us. I can't believe how lucky I got, both Lane and Norah took naps at the same time Sunday and Monday, and they went to bed at the same time and woke up within 15mins of each other! That meant I got to have a little break when they were down. I also tackled a trip to Walmart to buy groceries. Of course, there was more then one person who asked if they were twins. That always makes me laugh because they look nothing alike. We had a dance party on Monday, here are some pictures:
Girl's Night Out
A few weekends ago, some of us ladies went out for a rockin' night of dancing to The D Boys at the Willow River Saloon. We spent the night in the biggest dive ever, America's Best Value Inn. A few scary people actully live there and one was really trying to chat us up and gave us way too much info about himself!! Here are some pics courtesy of Nat:(I'm not sure why the pictures are super tiny, get out your magnifying glass!)
Great Read!!
Future Girlfriend??

All that building really wore him out!!
This weekend, I have a girls night out planned in WI, Jason is going ice fishing at Lake of the Woods, and Lane is having a sleepover at Grandpa and Grandma's house. I'm sure we will have fun stories and pictures!