Today Lane and I went to see Horton hears a Hoo. This is the first time that Lane has been to the movie theater and, of course, he LOVED it!! He did so good, just watched the movie and ate snacks. We had to go to the lobby once to get more treats but otherwise he sat through the whole thing without making a peep. The movie was pretty good too. Happy Saturday!
Two weeks ago, wednesday morning, Lane and I took Ace to get groomed at 8am. No problem really, we were still in our pjs. When I walked in the door with Ace the other groomer said," I think you have the wrong day, Mindy doesn't work on Wednesdays." Okay, so I asked when Acer's appointment was hoping I hadn't missed it. Nope I didn't, we were a full week and day early!!

He was wearing his onesie from the day before, pj pants and snowboots(which he won't take off, so once we get them off we hide them). He also had on his brown winter hat and blue jacket on at the coffee shop. A sight for sore eyes, haha!
That same day, Grandpa Charlie picked Lane up from daycare and they spent some time at Grandpa's house then out to great grandma Helen's to cut up pork. Lane spent most of the time riding on the Ranger with great uncle Curt and loving it. Jason met him at his grandmas after work and they got home around 8pm. Lane was sleeping when Jason brought him in the house and I took him and got him out of his snowpants and such. He woke up so we decided to have some milk before bed. When we walking out of his room he threw up all over us. Yuck!!! I got Lane cleaned up and Jason cleaned up the wall, floor in Lane's room, and the carpet in the hallway! It was a rough night with very little sleep. Jason stayed with Lane on Friday and cleaned up a lot of puke.
We had plans to leave Saturday morning for Fargo with my mother-in-law and her boyfriend, jason's grandma,and my brother-in-law and his wife. We were going to meet his sister and her boyfriend there for the weekend. She lives in Minot, ND and Fargo is about half way for all of us. So, Friday we deciding if we were still going or have to stay home. We decided to see how the night went and how Lane was to make a decision. Lane had a great night, he slept 10 hours straight and woke up thirsty and a little hungry, we took that as a good sign and decided to take off for Fargo. We had to pack everything in a short time and of course, what did I forget, my camera!!
It was almost 5 hours and Lane was such a trooper. This was the longest car ride he has had. He watched movies and took a nap. We went to the West Acres mall and wondered around, waiting for everyone to arrive as we all drove separately. After the mall we went to the Scheel's store, It is very big and has a mini ferris wheel in it. Then ate supper at Old Chicago. Jason had an Aunt, Uncle and cousins in Fargo for Easter also and we ate supper together. They stayed at the Holiday Inn with a big Shipwreck water park, so we went there to go swimming after supper. Once we had our suits on and got down to the pool, they were clearing everyone out because a kid threw up in it! Just our luck. Lane was already really worked up to go swimming so I took him in the hot tub for a while.
My mother-in-law got all of us rooms at the casino which was about 20 minutes away, or so we thought. We headed towards the casino on the highway and then we saw the sign that said it was 65 miles away!! Needless to say, Lane fell asleep and slept all the way there. It was around 9pm once we were unloaded and in our room and it didn't take Lane long to pass out again. Jason's grandma came to our room and stayed with Lane while we gambled. We never go to a casino so we didn't really understand how most of the video 'slots' worked. I lost $8 really fast so we decided to wonder around and look for more of the family. Once we found jason's mom, she gave us a quick lesson on the penny slots and it worked for me. I came out $52 ahead for the night. Of course, I lost $10 the next morning at the same machine. Oh well. We ate brunch at the casino then headed for home. We were just 2 hours from home and Lane got sick! He threw up all over himself and the carseat. Luckily we were just seconds from a gas station. I cleaned Lane up and Jason worked on the carseat. We put a plastic grocery sack down for lane to sit on and he really hated it but he would've had a wet butt otherwise. We just tried not to breathe out of our noses the rest of the way home. By supper time Lane was feeling better and ate some pizza the slept really well all night. Then in the morning the diarrhea started!! Poor little guy! Then more vomiting!!And he just wanted to wear his hat.
So, I rescheduled appointments today so I could stay home with him. So far so good, some gross diapers but getting better!
Even through all of the sickness, Lane has be such a good boy(much better than Jason or I would have acted!).
I'm Back
Here is what we have been up to since I came back from vacation. First, I came back with a cold/cough that I must of gotten from somebody on the plane. Great. So I have been pretty low key since then. I had a great time on vacation and you can read all about it on our vacation blog that Wendy set up. She was our scribe the whole trip so we would remember all of the great and funny stories. There is also a link to a shutterfly photo album with alot of great pictures of the trip. There is a link to blog on the side or just click here.
On Friday Lane got to spend the afternoon with Grandpa Charlie and he had a really fun time! They spent most of the time out at Great Grandma's house and he loves it there. Jason and I went out about 6:30, just in time to eat really good fish and shrimp. Lane loves shrimp and if he accidently ate a piece of fish he would spit it out. It was kinda funny. Then on Saturday Lane had a really fun and full day! He spent the morning with Dad and some other guys from Jason's softball team at a batting cage. Jason said Lane had a lot of fun and Jacob Busho was there to play with also. Then we all went to Godfather's Pizza for lunch and ate with Halvy and the Sedivys. Lane and I went out to visit Grandma Judy before she left for china. She went for work and will be home thursday. Then we went home and took a nap!!! That night we went to Sophie Schiller's 1st birthday party. Lane, Jacob, and Sophie played and played and played!!
Sunday we went to Rochester and had Lane's 18th month pictures taken. They turned out really well. This was the first time we went to Kiddie Kandids and I was impressed with the photographer. The studio is in the mall overlooking the play area and all Lane wanted to do was go play and she really got some good shots anyway. You can see the pictures we purchased my going to . The user name is Dawn Karsten and password is lane.