We had our ultrasound this morning and everything looks great! Only 1!! This baby is a mover and shaker that is for sure. The doctor had a hard time getting some good pictures because he/she was moving so much. The baby measures up with my due date so it looks like we will meet he/she before christmas. The doctor said we would probably pick a date at my next appointment. Lane went along to the ultrasound and did a good job. It was kind of hard for him to understand that it really was the baby on the "tv".
Jason has played in softball tournments the last 3 weekends, so we have be busy. We've been lucky with some really nice weather. This last weekend the tournment was in Claremont and the team won the championship which was really exciting! The weekend before they were in Hayfield and came in second, so overall they have been pretty successful. He has this weekend off, and hopefully we can get Lane a twin bed. We'll see how that goes!