FUPA Removed...sort of... : one year later
I've been hesitant to write this post. See....I tend to vomit up whatever
I'm feeling onto the page, and then hit post and walk away. I don't really
edit. ...
10 years
January 16, 2004--a Friday night
We became Husband and Wife...
I could go on and on about how we met...
I could go on and on about my husband's love and devo...
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
Well, we made it to Christmas Day and still no baby. Today was baby’s due
date, but I really think he or she knows that it’s crazy right now and
wants t...
My funny face...
Says Jorey's to me this morning, in response to me telling her she can't
wear sweatpants today..."Your face looks funny"...which reminded me to get
back on...
Super Scrap Closet
So, This post is a little late, but still needs to be shared! My super
creative and talented friend, Mary, helped me turn my scrapbooking storage
I can't believe my "baby" is three!! He is off having a fun day with Grandpa, Grandma, and Norah at the fair. I'm sure we will get plenty of time there this afternoon and weekend. Have a great weekend!