fun,huh? last wednesday, i had to light and mirror replaced and guess what, the light doesn’t work. the rest of the body work gets done in a few weeks.
fun,huh? last wednesday, i had to light and mirror replaced and guess what, the light doesn’t work. the rest of the body work gets done in a few weeks.
last night, a deer hit me!! really, my first thought when i saw the deer was, don’t swerve! i have heard that some many times, i don’t know if it helped or not. i did slam on my brakes, and i don’t know if that helped or not either. first, it hit my side mirror, then hit the rear door right underneath the window(kate’s side, she didn’t even flinch, she was watching dora at the time), then, the back rear panel( that is the biggest, most noticeable dent) and took out my taillight. what a bummer! i feel like this car is a magnet for accidents, first, i backed into my mother-in-law’s truck( i don’t blame the car, it was my fault), then a kid runs into me, right in the back drivers side door, and now this!
today, we signed lane up for preschool. i can’t believe he is old enough, but he is definitely ready! jason says it makes him feel old, it makes me feel a little sad that he isn’t my baby anymore. he was so excited today and just wanted to stay and watch the class. the teacher invited us in but i knew we would never get old of there if we went in.
while kate napped this morning, i made jason some caramel crispix for his fishing trip this week. a client made me some for christmas and he couldn’t stop eating it. i got the recipe from nina and it turned out great. of course we had to sample a little.
then, lane and i made sugar cookies. we used the betty crocker sugar cookie mix( i love it, it is so easy and tastes so good!), but we made our own frosting. it is good, but really, really sweet. I LOVE frosting, but i couldn’t eat much. that is probably not a bad thing. i do think lane ate more frosting then he actually put on the cookies.
In january, we went on a week long vacation to south padre island, tx with my in-laws. overall it was a very relaxed and relaxing week. both kids were very well behaved and super fun the whole week. it was so impressed with them on both airplane rides. lane was super excited to ride a BIG airplane and we heard about it for the whole week before we left. when we took off, lane yelled to all of us,"hold on guys, we are going faster!" then in the middle of the flight, he put the shade up and looked out the window and said,"uh oh, we stopped!" I couldn't help but laugh. Both kids watched movies and ate snacks the entire flight, which was about 2 1/2 hours. kate had fluid in both of her ears so I was a little worried about take off and landing but she was a trooper, only about 2o seconds of crying on the flight down and about 2 mins on the flight home(which felt like 2 hours). Kate is such a great sleeper, she still takes two 2 hour naps during the day and about 12 hours at night. I was a little worried about how we could do anything on vacation around her naps or should we just skip some. also, she needs her own space to sleep in, which there really wasn't in the double room. we put her pack and play in the bathroom. yup, it was cramped and we couldn't use the bathroom whenever she was sleeping but it worked. we ended up pushing off her morning nap most days and she took a long afternoon nap and went to bed early, so she still was a pretty happy day. we spent most mornings on the beach playing in the sand and walking looking for shells. Here are some pictures: