Jason has a new job! He is now employed by Ag Power Enterprises in the sales department. AMS Specialist is his official job title. So far he LOVES it! It is a big change, but all for the better.
River Springs Water Park
Last Monday, Melissa and I took the 4 kiddos to the waterpark. There was no question that Lane, Norah, and Brennan would LOVE it! Kate, we weren't to sure about. They couple of times we tried the kiddie pool at home or at Melissa's house, she screamed bloody murder until i got her out. She was very content to watch the other kids and play outside of the pool. Well, i could tell she was feeding off the the other kids excitement. Lane and Norah took off for the little slide in the kiddie area so Kate went to. Right down the slide she went. Then she preceded to cry for about 7mins! I just told her she was fine and let her stand in water up to her ankles. Once she stopped crying, she decided she loved it too! I think she went down the slide about 100 more times. The only bummer was she wanted to hold my hand so I had to reach up and put my foot up on the slide. Not very lady like, especially in a bathing suit! We went again on saturday, thankfully she got used to going down the slide without my hand.
Here are some the new pictures i had taken of the kiddos. Joey Kenow took these and has taken pictures for us in the past. I think he does a really good job capturing my kids true personality.
end of the year program
Montessori had its end of the year program and party at Brown Park. First, the kids sang about 5 songs. Then, each were presented with a certificate. Some, like lane, got a participation certificate but others got a graduation certificate. the teacher's got a bouncy castle for the kids to play in and some were playing at the park. We had pizza and lots of cookies and cupcakes(when i say "we", i really mean kate, she ate at least 4 cookies with frosting!). Lane invited Norah and her family to come also. Norah really wanted to go sing with the kids because she knew some of the songs, but Melissa told her not to worry she will be able to next year. Lane was very excited to sing in front of everybody an did a really good job with the hand actions also.
Como zoo
Lane's last week of school was really full of super fun activities! On Wednesday he got to go the Como zoo. I went along as a chaperone. I am very lucky that my job is so flexible that i can attend these things! lane had a great time and all of the kids were so well behaved! after we had seen the animals one of the dads along paid for all the kids to ride the merry-go-around. they loved it! we all had a snack then headed home. lane fell asleep in the car, he was exhausted. I was a little surprised he fell asleep so easily with two of his friends in the car also, but i guess the zoo takes a lot out you!
here is almost all the kids at lane's school. a few couldn't make the trip and some really didn't want to get their picture taken. Lane kept making monkey noises the whole time we were trying to take a picture.