We got outside this weekend and really enjoyed the warm weather. Lane ran threw the sprinkler and kept Jason and I laughing the whole time. The water was pretty cold, in the beginning, every time the water hit him he would say "ow"!
We also got to meet our newest nephew/cousin. My brother-in-law, Brandon, and his wife, Bobbi Jo had their son !! Evan Joseph Karsten was born Saturday June 14th, at 2:55pm. He weighed in at 6lbs, 12 ozs, and 20 inches long.

On Sunday, Father's Day, we let daddy sleep in a little then gave him his presents. Lane and I went to the Hay Daze parade in Janesville with Grandpa Kevin and Grandma. Kory, Melissa, and Norah, along with alot of other supporters, walked the parade. Lane got so much candy. He said he is going to share with Daddy. Grandpa Charlie and Kris came over for supper. It was a fun day.
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