I have no excuses, just enjoying my family and ignoring the blog. I am going to try to update once a week, but no promises! We have been very busy now that summer is here, Jason in playing alot of softball and wishing he could be fishing more. Lane is really enjoying going to the games and playing with all of the kids there. He will tell anyone he is watching his dad hit the ball and run fast. It is really cute how much Lane loves watching Jason! Kate still pretty much just chills out in the stroller snacking or playing with a rattle.

Lane is really being a great big brother and such a big helper at home. He talks and plays with Kate alot. He likes to be down on the floor with her just hanging out.
Kate is doing great! She is starting to sit up all by herself and gets up on her hands and knees and rocks. I am not ready for her to start crawling yet! I think she will be getting her first couple of teeth any day now. The two bottom middle are threatening to break thru very soon. She is eating baby food three times a day and having lots of snacks. She loves club crackers, the graduates wagon wheels and puffs. She is a very hungry girl!! She is also a good sleeper, which Mom and Dad Love!!
I will post more pictures soon.
Yay! You're back!
Good to hear from you again. ;)
Hope everything is going well, sure sounds like it.
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