one year ago today kate came kicking and screaming into the world!! our lives have not been the same!! she has brought laughter,craziness, and a ton more love into our home. can you believe what a big girl she is? we celebrated her birthday tonight and will post pics from the party soon(i promise :)).

this year has flown by, i don't know how many times jason and i have said to each other, "i can't believe kate is already 1!" last winter flew by and softball season was upon us. jason is still playing and loving every minute of it. his team is made up of alot of great guys with super great wives and there are a ton of kids to play with on game nights. we trooped along to alot of games and a bunch of tournaments. it just wouldn't be the same for the rest of the fans if lane didn't show up with his batting gloves on ready to play!
lane started level 1 hockey, learn to skate this october. he plays for 45 mins mon nights and sat mornings. monday nights are a little rough, he is tired and doesn't always want to follow directions. we are undecided if he will continue in the new year or wait again until next fall.
jason spent about 160 hours in the combine this fall during harvest. he loves farming but it was definitely exhausting!! he missed the kiddos and they missed him. of course, these hours were on top of the 40+ hours he was working at his full time job.
i have kept myself busy, busy, busy with the kids and working. in my spare free moments i have been sewing some fun little dresses for kate. i have also been knitting and reading a ton. i got a sony reader for my birthday and love it!!
this year i had my first experience shopping on black friday. my brother-in-law, kory, picked me up at 3:45 in the morning and we were off to walmart. it was a success, both of us walked out with what we wanted. i was very surprised at they way some of the other people acted! i will be more prepared and have my elbows out next year! then the monday after thanksgiving, i had my annual baking day with melissa, holly(co-worker friend), and bobbi(former co-worker and friend). we spent the whole day baking, literally 9am - 5:30! we made 12 different things and 3-4 batches of each. i am well stocked with tray for passing and gifting.
on the 14th, jason and i celebrated our 7th anniversary. my mother-in-law kept our kiddos and we spent a whole day christmas shopping at the mall of america. we ate supper at the twin cities grill then saw a late movie, the blind side. overall it was a great day.
i guess one of my new years resolutions should be to update my blog more often, so i will give it a try. have a merry christmas!
I'm so happy to see you back in action on the blog. Sometimes it's hard to find the time, I know! But, then when I take time to do my scrapbook, I'll have a log of all the good stuff! :)
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